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ASWECAN ASWECAN > Wicretrend > 二十四帧每秒 > 11'09"01
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Eleven international filmmakers were asked by French producer Alain Brigand to come up with a short film relating to the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on September 11 2001.

The only artistic restriction was that each individual film must last precisely 11 minutes, 9 seconds and 1 frame.

The resulting collaboration offers some diverse geographical, cultural, and artistic perspectives on those tragic events. But it benefits from prior knowledge, on the part of the viewer, towards the previous work of the various contributors.

Samira Makhmalbaf presents a female teacher, at an Afghani refugee camp in Iran, organising the children for a minute's silence. Meanwhile the adults express fears of an American bombardment.

Danis Tanovic shows the women of Srebrenica (a town where Bosnian Muslim men and boys were massacred in their thousands by Serbs on July 11 1995) continuing their monthly protests, despite the loss of life in America.

Idrissa Ouedraogo shows a young boy in Burkina Faso on the trail of an Osama Bin Laden lookalike, hoping for the reward of $25 million.

In the episodes by Sean Penn and Claude Lelouch, individuals are so preoccupied with their own personal problems that they remain oblivious to the television footage of the collapsing towers.

One of the connecting threads, throughout this portmanteau, is how television enabled the whole world to experience the horrors of that fateful morning.

Shohei Imamura makes the most baffling of the various contributions, with a story set in 1945 Japan where a man believes he's a snake. The veteran director concludes with the statement: "There is no such thing as a holy war."

Alejandro Gonz噇ez I枃rritu's effort is the most abstract. It incorporates flashes of images of bodies falling from the World Trade Centre, accompanied by religious chanting.

Best of all is Ken Loach's segment, in which a Chilean refugee offers his condolences to the American victims. He then, in an open letter, remembers an earlier September 11 when a CIA-sponsored coup d'巘at installed the dictatorship of General Pinochet. It's a moving, persuasive reminder of a calamity the West would callously prefer to ignore.

sleepwalk: strongly advertising this film, most touching part is Sean Penn who's acting an old man, the first look at him washing his face, a happy man's face, rise from his hands, fresh and smiling like a baby, "we need more light" he says,"that's why your flowers are not working."flower on the by window faded. he's lost his wife, but still dress her every day, "something summery, something..." he picked a yellow dress, putting it in the other side of the bed,carefully, just like she's still there. he goes grocery, he laughs while he's eating, he says, " XXX is a good man," no body reply, "do u remember my dear". for a second he's upset, "i wonder why, i wonder why..." one morning his alarm didn't work, he's been awaken by the light of sun, he saw that flowers, they were coming out with the sunshine, he's crying, " you should see this, the flowers...oh dear, you should see this...."but the red dress---she didn't answer. outside his window, the shadow of the other tower is falling down.

during the mexican 's praying, there's no light nor picture, flashing the falling of the people from the top of the 'trade twin towers',their ties were flying, as their arms were such peaceful, clouds smooch hair, end with same sound. "Does God's guide light us or blind us?"

sleep this time tonight
sleepwalk through the light
sleepwalk out of the sight.


2003-04-19 02:22 PM 发表 | 举报这个帖子 | 查看SleepWalk 的IP地址 | 编辑/删除 | 引用/回复



2003-04-19 10:04 PM 发表 | 举报这个帖子 | 查看机理不调 的IP地址 | 编辑/删除 | 引用/回复

reminds me another one 'bowling 4 columbine'

Mike Moore at the Cannes
Film Festival 2002

On the morning of Tuesday 20 April 1999 in the middle-class town of Littleton, Colorado, USA, Eric Harris (18) and Dylan Klebold (17) began a rampage through the corridors of Columbine High School that ultimately ended their own lives and those of thirteen others; twenty-five more were injured.

Homemade bombs and explosive devices were found planted around the building and several survivors later reported that Harris and Klebold were smiling and laughing as they shot their fellow students.

This outrage shook the whole country and inspired Moore to make Bowling for Columbine to explore issues of gun control, racism and the politics of fear in America.

director michael moore 's message:

Dear friends,

It appears that the Bush administration will have succeeded in colonizing Iraq sometime in the next few days. This is a blunder of such magnitude -- and we will pay for it for years to come. It was not worth the life of one single American kid in uniform, let alone the thousands of Iraqis who have died, and my condolences and prayers go out to all of them.

What I am most concerned about right now is that all of you -- the majority of Americans who did not support this war in the first place -- not go silent or be intimidated by what will be touted as some great military victory. Now, more than ever, the voices of peace and truth must be heard. I have received a lot of mail from people who are feeling a profound sense of despair and believe that their voices have been drowned out by the drums and bombs of false patriotism. Some are afraid of retaliation at work or at school or in their neighborhoods because they have been vocal proponents of peace. They have been told over and over that it is not "appropriate" to protest once the country is at war, and that your only duty now is to "support the troops."

When "Bowling for Columbine" was announced as the Oscar winner for Best Documentary at the Academy Awards, the audience rose to its feet. It was a great moment, one that I will always cherish. They were standing and cheering for a film that says we Americans are a uniquely violent people, using our massive stash of guns to kill each other and to use them against many countries around the world. They were applauding a film that shows George W. Bush using fictitious fears to frighten the public into giving him whatever he wants. And they were honoring a film that states the following: The first Gulf War was an attempt to reinstall the dictator of Kuwait; Saddam Hussein was armed with weapons from the United States; and the American government is responsible for the deaths of a half-million children in Iraq over the past decade through its sanctions and bombing. That was the movie they were cheering, that was the movie they voted for, and so I decided that is what I should acknowledge in my speech.

(actually after oscar they had a huge fight about this movie's quality.but any way, this man realise that american policy is meant to scary people, and won the oscar's the academy award for best documentary.)

you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

2003-04-24 11:46 AM 发表 | 举报这个帖子 | 查看九米 的IP地址 | 编辑/删除 | 引用/回复

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