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Miyazaki's last piece of work
08 Apr 2005 by Doraneko (Jiji)

According to Southeast Express, the new project, which will be an adaptation of the Chinese children's story, "Wo Diushile Wode Xiaonanhai (I Lost My Little Boy)," is going to be the last piece of directorial work of Miyazaki. Miyazaki may go to China in June to discuss the details of the project.

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(this is the full translation of the page in Southeast Express)

Miyazaki to come to China in June, for making final decisions on his last piece of work

Few days ago we received a piece of news from Studio Ghibli, of the anime and manga master Hayao Miyazaki. After "Howl's Moving Castle," his new piece of work, and also his last piece of directorial work, will be focused on a new book, "I Lost My Little Boy," by a new generation author called Yishu. They are planning to turn "I Lost My Little Boy" into an animation script. It is estimated that the movie will be finished in 2006. Yishu claimed that Miyazaki may come to China to make final decisions on his last piece of work.

Why do you think Studio Ghibli of Miyazaki has chosen "I Lost My Little Boy?"

As far as I know, it is the very pure theme of the book that aroused their interest. The preface of this book was written by Ms Shizuko Saruwatari. She used the term "a blue pure children's story" to describe the book. The studio has been very interested in this theme. Moreover, they have been very compassionate with Chinese culture, wanting the last piece of work of Miyazaki to be filled with the taste and beauty of China

What do you think are the similarities between your works and the style, or the ideals of Studio Ghibli?

Very simple, and also the prevalent style of Miyazaki: beautiful, nice and encouraging.

Since when has Studio Ghibli been contacting you?

Since last October, we have been having some preliminary contacts.

How is the current progress? When will the final result be arrived at?

Pretty good! We had some in-depth discussions on the format of presentation and the settings of the characters. Miyazaki may come to China in June. This is a great secret! At that time we will have face-to-face discussions to make final decisions on his last piece of work, "I Lost my Little Boy." Probably by June we will make an announcement for the anime and manga fans all over the world.

You said it is going to be the last piece of work. Do you mean the last piece of work that he directs?


How did the Ghibli staff know about your book and you?

The editor of the publisher, and also some friends of mine have been having some relatively close relationships with the other side. Concerning these problems, there will be a press conference explaining all the details. It is not convenient to talk about them at present.

Is that you and your work have been greatly influenced by Miyazaki?

The influence of Miyazaki on me is really great. His works are full of wisdom and beauty. They are pure and unpretentious. I like the underlying power in his works, which can grasp me, and make me lose control of my emotions. He has a kind of spirit: the cruelty of "Grave of the Fireflies," the innocence of "My Neighbour Totoro," the persistence of "Spirited Away..." It is he that prevent me from being perfunctory towards my readers, and towards my own spirit.

What did you think when you was starting to write "I Lost My Little Boy?"

I really wanted to write a story that can truly move the readers. At that time I lived in the country of Changsha. I wrote at night, got up very early to buy the green bean congee, and spent a long time to go to school by bus. I was very happy. My heart has some problems. But leading such a life, I was almost free of my illness. Therefore I want to write about a boy who has a heart disease, called Mimi. A cute name. A cute story.

Direct Sino-Japanese cooperation
Yishu: culture has no national boundaries

It should be a good news that Miyazaki has chosen the work of the Chinese writer Yishu. However, recently the Japanese government insists on tampering with their history text books, and has caused severe discontent among various Asian countries. Therefore, choosing such a time for cooperation, the project of Miyazaki and Yishu has become a very sensitive topic. For this, Yishu stated that culture has no national boundary."

"In such an environment, do you think there will be any negative impact on this cooperation?" This is really a sensitive but unavoidable question. Yishu said, "I hope that we will not bring such a sentiment to the editing project of this book. Miyazaki, in fact, is a very outstanding anime and manga master. I am only contacting him with an attitude of learning. Moreover, the works of Miyazaki are very moderate, having strong anti-war messages and hopes for peace. I hope that we can focus on his works, and will not reject him simply because he is a Japanese."

Basically this had already clarified his own point of view. But then Yishu made another reply through email. This time his view was more clear. "If this cooperation is successful, I believe that it can wake up all those who have lost the little boy,' and let the children of the two countries to be able to find the little boys who have been staying in their hearts. I hope that we can treat culture gently at any time, because culture itself has no national boundary."

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跳蚤在母亲的紫色的肚皮上爬,爬!在母亲积满污垢的肚脐眼里爬,爬!在母亲的泄了气的破气球一样的乳房上爬,爬!在母亲的弓一样的肋条上爬,爬!在母亲的瘦脖子上爬,爬!在母亲的尖下巴上、破烂不堪的嘴上爬,爬!母亲嘴里吹出来的绿色气流使爬行的跳蚤站立不稳,脚步趔趄,步伐踉跄;使飞行中的跳蚤仄着翅膀,翻着筋斗,有的偏离了飞行方向,有的像飞机跌入气涡,进入螺旋。跳蚤在母亲的金红色的阴毛中爬,爬!不是我亵渎母亲的神圣,是你们这些跳蚤要爬,爬!跳蚤不但在母亲的阴毛中爬,跳蚤还在母亲的生殖器官上爬,我毫不怀疑有几只跳蚤钻进了母亲的阴道,母亲的阴道是我用头颅走过的最早的、最坦荡、最曲折、最痛苦也最欢乐的漫长又短暂的道路。不是我亵渎母亲!不是我亵渎母亲!!不是我亵渎母亲!!!是你们,你们这些跳蚤亵渎了母亲也侮辱了我!我痛恨人类般跳蚤!—— 莫言《欢乐》

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